Work created for large and/or commercial clients for marketing projects.

Animated Video Backgrounds Discord ❋ 2023

As a part of a broader mobile redesign campaign, Discord wanted to create unique video backgrounds to enrich user experience. This project endured multiple phases of concept development and revision, whittling down five concepts into three to be finished and animated. The assignment was uniquely challenging because it required developing a range of color, style, and genre options while keeping consistency with existing brand standards.

Three concepts were generated to cover a broad range of user interests and aesthetic preferences. Rough value studies were done first to gauge readability in the given space, followed by refined sketch that would be translated into vector-based artwork.

App Directory Discord ❋ 2022

Hero art and spot illustration used on product, web, and additional surfaces to support the launch of Discord's App and Bot Directory.

Family Center Discord ❋ 2023

Hero and spot illustrations used on product, web, and social media surfaces to support the launch of Discord's Family Center.

Midway through production I created concepts for a new brand character that would represent mature, feminine Discord users and guardians of users. A full character sheet was developed before this direction was canceled to maintain consistency with other marketing materials.

Voice and Video Empty States Discord ❋ 2022

Spot illustrations created for in-app empty states relating to Voice and Video features.

Premium Memberships Discord ❋ 2022

Hero art and spot illustrations used on web to support Discord's launch of Premium Membership services. Banner was finalized collaboratively with Justin Middendorp.

Snowsgiving ❆ Choose Your Own Adventure Game Discord ❋ 2022

Initially pitched for a passion project, Discord later greenlit a Choose Your Own Adventure game to be created as a reward for the year end Snowsgiving fundraiser campaign. All art, coding, and writing was handled by our two-person team under a short deadline. The game was localized into 16 languages for release.

↝ Play the Game

Tokyo Game Show Discord ❋ 2022

Limited edition trading cards and zine created as promotional gifts for Discord's booth at Tokyo Game Show.